
Hi guys! It's been freaking 4 years I have been keeping this in my draft and I finally let this story out! Okay so the year 2017 was the year SM ACTUALLY put Malaysia in their audition list! Tho I know the percentage of me getting accepted into SM is zero (HAHAHAHA), I said to myself, "why not I just tried yet?" 

Okay lang, so that one day I email my application to SM Town and then 4 months later BOOM! They replied my email saying I was accepted for the audition process. "It is now or never", I said to myself. Then okay, I replied back saying I'm going for the audition. I was on diet for weeks, this and that bla bla hahahha stupid me. Overnya!!! 

I was on training on the week before and the audition was on the week after my training. I was burned, like so dark.. my skin burned, I was bald! Hahhaa damn! Not a great time for audition. Hahaha as you can see you in the picture belowwwww:

They said to be there early like around 11am if I'm not mistaken? I came early and THERE WAS NOT MANY PEOPLE LIKE WHAT THE HECKKKK?? I thought yall excited for this??? So I registered at the counter, with my all black outfit, practiced TVXQ songs IF there ever let you use your picked song. I went to the toilet with nervousness in my stomach, practicing in front of the mirror over and over again while calling my friends Ecah, Tini, Manal whom were currently traveling at that time. Only they knew I was auditioning for SM.

The picture I showed you above was taken privately as they won't allow you took any pictures inside. Phones were prohibited during the audition process, and some staff was quite strict! I was on the very first front row seat and was the first group to go into the audition room. We were grouped 10 people at one row, and the audition took place by categorizing which talent you want to auditioned for. That includes singing, dancing, acting and... rapping? I forgot what was another one. I picked dancing obviously.


They asked you to introduce yourself one by one into the camera that faces you. I was at the center. The first person starts to introduced in Korean, the second person did the same. The third and fourth did the same too! My heart beats freaking faster! FUHH dang! Berdebar lak aku ceritakan ni hahaha.. :Anyeong haseyo, my name is Kyrel Rosli, I'm 22 years old from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia." That's it!

The judges just nodded and move on with next people. After everyone has introduced themselves in the audition, it is time for show-your-freaking talent! First one singing talent, and then dancing. I remembered when they asked me to start, they instead asked me to sing. So I sang! I sang "Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran, just the first line and then they asked me to stop. They forgot it was dancing time, not singing so I stopped. If I can have the video, I was so nervous even when I sang, i stuttered! 

So the dancing part was quite interesting and fun, judges said they will play us random songs, and that we will need to follow the beat. I was like "Okay, fine random songs". Thennnnnn... boom! It was like all of us was partying hahahahahaha. We tried so hard that we forgot the beat! Judges looked at me and smiled when I did the body wave. YALLLLL I COULD NOT FORGET THAT MOMENT! EVER!!

Okay so once everyone done their part, we said thank you and got out from the audition room and go back home. I felt such a relieved after I got out from that room. Until this day, I think NO ONE from that SM Malaysia 2017 Audition ever got accepted as SM trainee. Thanks yall for reading this!!!! 

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