Bersahur di Bukit Broga


ok dah berminggu aku tangguh disebabkan busy dengan keje dan jugak study.. and exam. huhu...
so nak dipendekkan citer... 13th of Julai 2013 lepas aku, kakak aku, abang aku, adik perempuan aku.. dan juga kawan2 kakak aku decided nk g mendaki dan bersahur kat bukit broga on that date.
We're supposed to start the journey at 3a.m. since it took about 1 hour to reach the top of the hill. But, we're late 30 minutes bcuz.. ya sleepy..   okay, so along the journey. we see nothing but dark. And i climbing with no torchlight! hoho.. that's something new to me... so lucky the moonlight helped me! XD

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