Why You Should Go To Time Capsule Retreat and Rainbow Waterfall

 Assalamualaikum and good day everyone!

I was not active in blogging for soooo long and I'm back now! So much things I would like to share with you guys 
and with-out further due let's jump to Sungai Lembing!

As yall know there were so many viral things spreading all across social media, thanks to those who were kind enough to introduce us to these hidden places in Malaysia! We found out about Time Capsule Retreat on Instagram where the retreat is located in the mother nature (about an hour drive from Kuantan town). The drive took us about 3 hour plus from Kuala Lumpur (more actually because we stopped at other places before checking in here), if you straight check-in to Time Capsule Retreat. This retreat located behind Sungai Lembing Muzium, please refer to waze and you should watch out for the Time Capsule Retreat banner or you'll miss it.



There are four types of room available here which are the Capsule with Garden View, Parallel Aurora, and Parallel Corporate with price ranging from RM150 to RM400. We chose the Capsule with Garden View since we will not stay in the room of course for the whole day, and this room is provided with one queen-size bed, three pillows, a warm lamp, curtain (lol DIY curtain kept fallin at us!), socket (do bring your own plug extension!) and an air conditioner. The air conditioner is the same level with the bed and it was quite weird why they put it at your feet but once we were there, it finally make sense. They have two types of this room, one with the nature view and one with no view (the air conditioner is at the top of your head position). I personally recommended you to choose this view for of course a picture! Haha..I hope they redo the curtain.. I'm serious! Oh and one more thing, to go to the Rainbow Waterfall, you must include RM60 of Jeep ride in your package. You can tell them you wanna that to be included in your package through phone calls or just tell them once you arrived and checking in.

This is the retreat view at night. It would be a lot happening if you go here in a group of friends. There's a table just outside our room for us to hangout and while enjoying the calmness of the wood with the sound of the crickets and frogs (non-stop) throughout the night. They lid some cardboard or whatever it is to avoid mosquitoes from flying around all over you and yes, I would say that there are not mosquitoes as mentioned in some blogs that I've read before we came here which is super okay! Five minutes drive to town for a dinner then we head back to our room to rest as we have to get early in the morning since the Jeep will pick you up at 6am. They'll take you to watch sunrise above the cloud.

For muslims, kat sini ada surau muat for few people. Please bawak korang punya sejadah ye sebab sejadah yang sedia ada berbau... boleh pengsan oh. hahaha.. Tempat amek wuduh ada dekat sebelah dia or better amek wuduk kt bilik air. Dekat jer.. and if you guys wondering how their shared bathroom slash toilet looks like, the second picture above is how it looks like. Some of the toilet have everything that you need, they even provided you with bath gel/shampoo. Tapi better bawak sendiri lah, macam tak biasa. And no worries, they have mirrors too so you'll get you make up done. lol. That night was so calm I could easily fall asleep!

 Okay so here's a tip, living all your belonging in your room are super safe because the staff is always they and pretty sure they will put an eye on your room since you already told them that you will be leaving for the sunrise and waterfall. I suggest you to bring your beg, water, some snacks, wallet, phone, and powerbank during the journey. So they picked us up at 6am, if you are late they will wait for about 5 or 10 minutes top (maybe). One Jeep fit for 6 adults, and they will take you for a breakfast at nearby restaurants. This when you money comes in handy, they don't provide you lunch and you can't go back to your room to pick up your wallet. Don't get confuse when you and your group are told to take another Jeep. This is common and you will still arrive to the destination. Be in group! Always!

It was a very long drive to reach to the Panorama Hills, and for RM60 fee... it was all worth it once you finally reach above the cloud! Our day was super fine, I mean look at the view! Another tips to get the best view in pictures, ride on early after breakfast and keep your group with you. The driver only move once everyone in group ready at the jeep.

We were also tagged by our drive on our hands to help us the plate number so we won't get lost with should we hop on with. I still can't get over the sunrise, it was so damn beautiful! All photos were taken by iPhone 11 Pro if you ever asking. And yeah I did some editing too of coz. Take as much as picture as you can while you still standing at the best spot for a photo cuz once you leave, nyehhhh... say hi to the crowd in your pictures. Hahahaha... please enjoy the view!

Enough with sunrise, the journey continued to the main checkpoint where the driver drop you and everyone else before you start your hiking. They also let you rent rubber shoes (RM3) and a stick (50cent) which I would recommend you to do so and YES DON'T FORGET YOUR MONEY! You can either leave you shoes at the checkpoint or bring along to the waterfall. We left our shoes (nah, we wore slippers. lol!) to the person incharge. Worries free, no one steal your shoes. It's about an hour hike? 
I'm not sure, but it was shorter than riding on the Jeep to the checkpoint.Watch your step and always stay in group! Tips: You can hike with your friends (not with Jeep's group) to reach to the top early and to reserve yourself the best spot to rest and take photos. At the top, they provide you drinks (coffee or tea) and maggie cup. Asian fav. Hahaha..  Although there so many people at the waterfall, surprisingly majority of them just sat and rest at their spot. More time for us to take photos, until we forgot to eat. 

Here you will understand why they call it rainbow water fall as the rainbow appears after sunrise until about late 11-ish I would say? The most suitable time for the rainbow to appear fully contrast around 10pm. We didn't know the perfect timing at that time so we took photos quite early. Meh rainbow...

We stayed here for 2 days and 1 night only because we just want to go to the Rainbow Waterfall and because 2 days and 1 night is already enough for us. It was all worth it and not a single regret spending our holiday here! We checked in at the town on the next day because who doesn't miss the city too? Hahaha.. I hope everyone are doing fine these days since the pandemic happen all around the world. Those few months locked up in our own house were surreal! We are truly living in history. Now everything are going back to normal (not quite but almost, yall now what I'm saying) but with some rules and regulations (wear a mask!). See you on my next post!

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